
Prior to consultation you will be asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire regarding the history and any concerns of your health status. (easy to complete, mostly tick boxes).

Any available blood reports previously done should be provided on return, with the questionnaire, for evaluation prior to consult to save time.

First Appointment:

In general, initial appointments last for approximately 60 minutes, where we can discuss any concerns, and your current health goals thoroughly. This is also when we decide if pathology tests should be made.

Adults $160
Children $120
(Under 12)

Return/follow up appointments:

Normally 30 mins is required for these consultations and are designed to “follow up” on how your goals are progressing. Any changes or updates are done at this time, and any concerns are discussed to help keep you on track of your goals. Follow ups are normally done 2-4 weeks after your first consultation.

Adults $80
Children $60
(Under 12)

Please note prescriptions and pathology testing prices are not included in these

Iridology appointment only:

Pictures of the iris in both eyes are taken and a comprehensive report is completed and emailed within 72 hours of consult. Discussion of findings will require a consultation. (If good quality photos can be supplied to our clinic, this can be done remotely).

Adults $45
Children $45
(10-12 years only)