Why a Naturopath?

My journey into Natural Medicine started many years ago, but, with a busy family business, the desire to follow my heart was not appropriate at the time. For around 15 years, some of our family had reverted to Natural Medicine as our way of obtaining good health, and in particular, Homeopathy, with frequency remedies and treatment. Seeing success using these techniques was not only an eye opener to the world of natural health for me, but also to the bodies capability to heal using the correct inputs.

It wasn’t until years later that the opportunity arose, and I took the time out to follow my need for more answers to the physiological side of human health, undertaking a Bachelor of Health Science degree in Natural Medicine at Endeavour College of Natural Health.

During the degree, I learned things I never thought I would have the chance to learn. I can truly say the body is one heck of a natural, amazing, wondrous, exciting piece of Mother Nature. From the amazement of the human cell, to the wonder of skin structures and everything in between is something Man could never replace.

Aristotle, an ancient greek philosopher, came to the conclusion that “The whole is greater than the sum of all the parts”.  Treating individual portions of the human body, does not treat the whole body.

‘Vitality’ is a term used to describe a persons ability to live, grow and to develop, and also refers to the energy of the body. Is the body vigorous and active?, or is it tired, heavy, struggling and slow?. Is dis-ease present, or are there signs and symptoms of things being not quite right.

The Naturopath looks at the “whole’ of the person, to obtain an understanding of the persons dis-ease. Where did it come from? how and why did it happen? What support is required to reduce the dis-ease and bring the vitality back to the person and heal in mind body and soul.

After working with clients and seeing positive changes, using simple interventions of diet and lifestyle, and increasing the vital force to improve overall health, it only confirms the idea of wonderment of the human body.

If you are lacking vitality, feeling slow, heavy and tired, burning the candles at both ends and noticing signs or symptoms of dis-ease, don’t wait until things get serious. Naturopaths are trained to know early signs using observations of hair, skin, nails, tongue, and the eyes, among other clinical examinations of blood pressure, heart rate, lung function, restrictions of movement and pathology testing as well.

Be on the front foot with your health, and join the sustainable way of health at Old Wives Tales Natural Health. We would love to see you.